Zarzuela en Danza

Teatro de la Zarzuela


From 25th of July to 27th of July


1 hours and 20 minutes


Zarzuela en Danza

Created and directed by Nuria Castejón, with dramaturgy by Álvaro Tato and musical direction by José Antonio Irastorza, Zarzuela en Danza - created by the Teatro de la Zarzuela as part of its Zarza Project - is a theatrical show with a difference, it’s actually a celebration of both this lyrical genre and dance.

From a festive evening in a neighbourhood corrala (a typical Madrid tenement) to the flying carpets of the far East, from the Patio de Cuchilleros in the throes of Carnival to gypsy bonfires by the side of the road, past Caribbean islands or suburban backstreets, this dreamlike journey to the heart of Zarzuela brings together for the first time on stage the most outstanding dance pieces ever written into Zarzuela scores: here, those interludes and dance passages become a way of telling Zarzuela through the free expression of the body.

We can therefore look forward to seeing dance versions of works by some of the undisputed masters of the genre: Bretón, Chapí, Chueca, Vives, Giménez, Serrano, Soutullo and Vert, Lleó, Roig, with the added attraction of a few new songs in a range of styles such as Classical Spanish, the Bolera School, Flamenco, Ballet and Contemporary Dance, combining the different styles and languages. All joined together by music, song and a libretto in verse and prose that leads us through the successive episodes of a tragicomic and tumultuous dream packed with characters.

A production by the Compañía Lírica Amadeo Vives, Pierrot y Colombina Producciones Teatrales

Zarzuela en danza is an original Teatro de la Zarzuela production



Music: Tomás Bretón, Ruperto Chapí, Federico Chueca, Amadeo Vives, Gerónimo Giménez, Reveriano Soutullo y Juan Vert, Vicente Lleó, Gonzalo Roig and popular.

Musical direction: José Antonio Irastorza

Stage direction and choreography: Nuria Castejón

Dramaturgy: Álvaro Tato

Stage design: Carmen Castañón

Costumes: Gabriela Salaverri

Lighting: Eduardo Bravo

Assistant director and choreographer: Cristina Arias


Dancers: Cristina Arias, Marián Alquézar, David Acero, Ángel Capel, Andro Crespo, María Ángeles Fernandez, Lucía Fernández, Olivia Juberías, Daniel Morillo, Carla Prado, Luis Romero, Cristian Sandoval

With the collaboration of Eduardo Cortés on flamenco guitar and cajón

The resident orchestra of the Compañía Lírica Amadeo Vives


From 25th of July to 27th of July


1 hours and 20 minutes


Accessibility type

Accessible performance: 27 July. People with visual and intellectual disabilities who will be attending the subsequent performance will be able to take part in a scenic tour beforehand.

To register for the tour, please send an email to

The deadline for registration is 26 July at 8pm. The scenic tour will begin 90 minutes before the performance. Capacity is limited to a maximum of 14 people.

Registration is now open and you can book your place by sending an email to You will be asked to produce a disability card or equivalent accreditation document together with your ticket when you enter the venue.

Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque


Place of employment information:


  • Metro: Ventura Rodríguez (línea 3), San Bernardo (líneas 2 y 4), Noviciado (línea 2), Plaza de España (líneas 3 y 10).
  • Bus: 002, 001, 1, 133, 138, 2, 44, C1, 74m C2, 21, C03.
  • Bicimad: Estación 13 (calle Conde Duque, 22).
Centro Conde Duque}

Distrito Centro